When it comes to shaving smaller sections of the body than just your legs, it can be difficult to cover those areas accurately without hurting yourself. This is especially true of the places that are harder for you to see, such as the bikini area and the underarms, as well as sideburns that you hope to eliminate. With the 5-in-1 Sensitive Touch Electric Trimmer, you can enjoy a smoother, easier, pain-free trimming experience that will allow you to get rid of unwanted hair without all of the hassle.
Designed to be gentle on the skin, the 5-in-1 Sensitive Touch Electric Trimmer is a handheld, slim trimmer that contours perfectly with your hands for a more comfortable, less strenuous grip. Because it is so easy to hold and handle, it offers more precise shaving, letting you take care of smaller areas such as the upper lip, around the eyebrows, your bikini area, your fingers, toes and more. The sharp, yet safe blades promise that no nicks or cuts will occur during the painless removal of hair, and it won't snag on hairs and tug on the skin. Razor burn and coarse pores are avoided with the 5-in-1 Sensitive Touch Electric Trimmer as well.
The 5-in-1 Sensitive Touch Electric Trimmer is portable and easy to store, making it a great choice for packing into your toiletry bag and taking it with you on trips so you always have it. It is lightweight and comfortable to use without weighing down your hands. It is free from cords and wires, helping to eliminate getting tangled in the cords while you shave. Furthermore, it can easily be rinsed in water without getting damaged. There are several trimming heads for the face and body to personalize each shave.